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It’s Time to Disaster-Proof Your Restoration Services Website

How many people buy a snow shovel after the first snow of the year has melted enough that they can venture out of their houses and tread carefully over the slippery driveway until they get to the municipally salted sidewalks that lead to the hardware store?  How many invest in hurricane shutters only after a panicked day of nailing plywood to their windows as the sky darkens or, worse, a terrifying night of cowering in the closet after the hurricane-force winds have crashed through their windows?  If you are in the restoration services business, then you know the importance of being prepared.

The Trouble With Local Small Business Websites

It is easy for local small businesses to congratulate themselves for being the backbone of America; they don’t need to resort to outrageous antics online to attract customers, because they perform necessary services for members of their own communities.  It is true that local businesses are indispensable.  If your house suffers flood damages, you need to contact your local restoration services company; no mobile app can take its place, no matter how ingenious its branding.  This does not mean, however, that you do not need a website or that any old website will do.

A Restoration Services Website Can Come to the Rescue After a Destructive Weather Event

On the other hand, a website that is easy to use and that contains valuable information (not just your business name and a few before and after photos) can be a great asset to a restoration services company.  If your site has an intuitive layout and formats well on users’ computers and mobile devices, they are more likely to contact you instead of going back to the Google search results and contacting one of your competitors.

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It’s Time to Disaster-Proof Your Restoration Services Website

How many people buy a snow shovel after the first snow of the year has melted enough that they can venture out of their houses and tread carefully over the slippery driveway until they get to the municipally salted sidewalks that lead to the hardware store?  How many invest in hurricane shutters only after a panicked day of nailing plywood to their windows as the sky darkens or, worse, a terrifying night of cowering in the closet after the hurricane-force winds have crashed through their windows?  If you are in the restoration services business, then you know the importance of being prepared.  Many of the messes that you clean up could have been prevented, or at least mitigated, if the homeowners had planned better; that sewage leak was years in the making, and the property owners could probably have caught it in time to avert disaster if they had bothered to have the pipes inspected.  You should not make the mistake of assuming that your old, decrepit website will do its job; you might find that, after a destructive storm, all the homeowners, landlords, and local business owners whose properties have been damaged contact your competitors, leaving your company in the lurch.  The best time to redesign your website is now, not after the next big storm hits.  This does not mean that you have to learn website design from scratch, even if you designed your old website years ago.  It is a better use of your resources if you hire the WordPress developers at High Converting Media to build a new website for your restoration services company.

The Trouble With Local Small Business Websites

It is easy for local small businesses to congratulate themselves for being the backbone of America; they don’t need to resort to outrageous antics online to attract customers, because they perform necessary services for members of their own communities.  It is true that local businesses are indispensable.  If your house suffers flood damages, you need to contact your local restoration services company; no mobile app can take its place, no matter how ingenious its branding.  This does not mean, however, that you do not need a website or that any old website will do.

Most of the previous century’s websites, with their awkward formatting, annoying colors, and difficult to read fonts, have disappeared from the Internet.  (This is something of a loss, because as hard on the eyes as those old sites were, their authors often had interesting things to say.)  An exception is local small business websites.  Locksmiths, gutter cleaning businesses, and piano tuning businesses seem to abide by an unwritten rule that it is okay to have an ugly and buggy website if you are the only business in town that can provide the services you provide.  Google can tell when your site annoys users, though, and it will penalize your site’s search engine optimization (SEO) rankings, promoting the websites of your competitors ahead of yours.

A Restoration Services Website Can Come to the Rescue After a Destructive Weather Event

On the other hand, a website that is easy to use and that contains valuable information (not just your business name and a few before and after photos) can be a great asset to a restoration services company.  If your site has an intuitive layout and formats well on users’ computers and mobile devices, they are more likely to contact you instead of going back to the Google search results and contacting one of your competitors.  If it has valuable content, even better.  These are some subjects that people who visit restoration company websites want to know about:

  •   How to prevent damage
  •   What to do between the time they detect damage and when the restorations begin
  •   How to maximize their chances of getting an insurance settlement that will cover the total cost of repairs

You Clean Up Storm Damage and Let Us Clean Up Your Business Website

Being a web designer is not part of your job description, but it is part of ours.  High Converting Media provides web design services, as well as other forms of digital marketing, for restoration companies and other local businesses.

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